Moving Wisconsin Forward

I’m grateful to the following individuals who have endorsed my candidacy for the 75th Assembly District of Wisconsin.
28th District Representatives
- Representative Gae Magnafici – 2019–2025 (Retiring)
- Representative Adam Jarchow -2015–2019
- Representative Erik Severson – 2010–2015
- Representative Mark Pettis – 1997–2006
State Senators & Representatives
- Senator Romaine Quinn, 25th District
- Representative Michael Schraa
- Representative Chanz Green
- Representative Angie Sapik
Law Enforcement
- Burnett County Sheriff Tracy Finch
- Polk County Sheriff Brent Waak
- Past Burnett County Sheriff Ron Wilhelm
- Past Polk County Sheriff Pete Johnson
Municipal Government
- St. Croix Falls Mayor, Kirk Anderson
If you would like to get behind my campaign with an endorsement, please email: campaign@dukeforwisconsin.com